MQTT Modules for Ignition

MQTT modules are a suite of add-on modules developed by Cirrus Link specifically for integrating Ignition with the MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) protocol. These modules bridge the gap between Ignition’s powerful SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) functionalities and the lightweight, publish-subscribe messaging paradigm of MQTT.

Here’s a breakdown of the four core MQTT modules offered by Cirrus Link:

1. MQTT Distributor Module:

  • Acts as an MQTT v3.1.1 server within Ignition.
  • Enables secure bi-directional communication between Ignition and various MQTT clients (devices, applications) using a central server approach.
  • Provides user management and security features for controlling access to the MQTT broker functionality.

2. MQTT Engine Module:

  • Facilitates bi-directional communication between Ignition and Sparkplug B enabled edge devices using MQTT.
  • Sparkplug B is a standardized messaging format specifically designed for industrial IoT applications.
  • Allows Ignition to subscribe to data topics published by edge devices and publish commands or configuration changes back to them.

3. MQTT Transmission Module:

  • Acts as a bridge between Ignition tags and the MQTT messaging system.
  • Monitors any Ignition tag for changes and publishes the updated tag value to a specific MQTT topic.
  • Offers flexibility to configure message payload format and topic structure based on your needs.

4. MQTT Injector Module (Optional):

  • Provides a mechanism to inject data received from external MQTT topics into Ignition tags.
  • Allows external devices or applications to publish data to specific topics, which can then be captured and used within Ignition.

Benefits of Using MQTT Modules with Ignition:

  • Improved Scalability: MQTT’s publish-subscribe model efficiently handles communication with a large number of devices.
  • Enhanced Security: Modules offer secure communication channels with user management and access control features.
  • Simplified Integration: Streamlined integration of diverse devices and applications supporting MQTT.
  • Real-time Data Exchange: Enables real-time data exchange between Ignition and edge devices for monitoring and control.
  • Flexibility: Different modules cater to various use cases, providing a modular approach to MQTT integration.

Important Considerations:

  • Ignition Version Compatibility: Ensure the MQTT modules you choose are compatible with your specific Ignition version.
  • Sparkplug B Compatibility: If using the MQTT Engine module, verify your devices or applications are Sparkplug B compliant for seamless communication.
  • Security Configuration: Properly configure user access and security settings on the MQTT modules to maintain a secure communication environment.

By leveraging MQTT modules, you can effectively integrate Ignition with a vast array of MQTT-enabled devices and applications, enabling efficient data exchange and control within your industrial automation or IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) projects.



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