Functional Design Specifications Cost

Here’s how to estimate the development cost for a Functional Design Specifications (FDS) document in the context of industrial automation projects:

1. Estimate Effort based on Project Scope:

  • The complexity of the automation project significantly impacts the effort required to develop a comprehensive FDS document.
  • A larger project with numerous functionalities and intricate control logic will require a more detailed FDS, leading to higher development costs.

2. Break Down the FDS Development Process:

  • Divide the FDS development process into smaller tasks, such as:
    • System overview and requirements gathering
    • Functional breakdown of each subsystem
    • Input/Output (I/O) point definitions and descriptions
    • Control logic and sequence descriptions
    • HMI (Human-Machine Interface) functionalities and specifications
    • Safety considerations and interlock requirements
    • Acceptance criteria and testing procedures

3. Resource Allocation and Rates:

  • Identify the personnel involved in FDS development (e.g., senior control system engineers).
  • Estimate the  time each resource will dedicate to developing each section of the FDS.
  • Apply the  hourly or daily rate of each resource to calculate the labor cost for each task.

In our experience, the billable hourly rate of a Senior Control Systems Engineer typically range from $130 to $250.

4. Additional Considerations:

  • Include the cost of  software tools used for FDS development (e.g., document creation software, diagramming tools).
  • Factor in potential  revisions and iterations based on client feedback. Allocate buffer time and cost for these.
  • Consider  internal knowledge base and existing FDS templates from previous projects to potentially reduce development time.

Techniques for Effort Estimation:

  • Expert Judgment: Leverage the experience of engineers familiar with FDS development for similar projects to estimate the required effort.
  • Analogy-based Estimation: If you have historical data on FDS development time for projects of similar scope, use that information as a reference point.

5. Communication and Client Involvement:

  • Maintain open communication with the client throughout the FDS development process.
  • Clearly define the level of detail and functionalities expected in the FDS to manage expectations and ensure a cost-effective approach.

By following these steps and considering the project’s specific needs, you can establish a more accurate estimate for the development cost of your FDS document. Remember, a well-developed FDS serves as a crucial roadmap for the entire automation project, promoting clarity, reducing rework, and ultimately contributing to project success.



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