Integral Windup

Integral windup occurs in control systems when the integral component of a controller accumulates error beyond a certain limit, leading to overshoot, oscillations, or instability, especially in systems with saturating actuators.

What is Integral Windup?

Integral windup, also known as integrator windup or reset windup, is a phenomenon that occurs in PID controllers. It happens when the controller’s integral term accumulates a significant error due to limitations in the process output. This can lead to control issues like:

  • Overshoot: The process variable (PV) goes beyond the desired setpoint.
  • Sluggish Response: The controller struggles to return the PV to the setpoint after a disturbance.
  • Instability: In severe cases, windup can cause oscillations in the control loop.

What are Causes of Integral Windup?

  • Saturation: When the manipulated variable (MV) reaches its maximum or minimum limit (e.g., valve fully open/closed), the controller can’t further adjust it to correct the error.
  • Large Setpoint Changes: Rapid changes in the desired setpoint can cause the integral term to accumulate a large error before the process can respond.
  • External Disturbances: Unexpected changes in the process can overwhelm the controller’s ability to maintain the setpoint.

How to Prevent Integral Windup:

  • Anti-Windup Strategies:
    • Back-calculation: Limits the integrator output based on the current MV and process limitations.
    • Bumpless transfer: Smoothly transitions the integrator term when switching between manual and automatic control.
    • Integral windup limiter: Restricts the integrator output to a specific range.
  • Proper Controller Tuning: Optimize controller gains (Kp, Ki, Kd) to achieve good response without saturation.
  • Process Monitoring: Identify and address limitations in the process that can cause saturation.


  • Consider using valve position feedback in the control loop to improve windup detection.
  • Monitor the integrator output to identify potential windup situations.
  • Fine-tune anti-windup strategies based on the specific process dynamics.

SIEMENS PID Controller (FB41) and Anti-Integral Windup Function:

There are two main ways to prevent integral windup in Siemens’ FB41 PID controller:

  1. Using the Anti-Windup Limits:
  • FB41 has built-in functionality to prevent integral windup. It uses two parameters:
    • I_ITLVAL: This sets the maximum (positive) and minimum (negative) limits for the integrator output.
    • I_ITL_ON: When enabled, this forces the integrator to stay within the limits set by I_ITLVAL.
  • By setting appropriate limits for I_ITLVAL, you ensure the integrator’s contribution doesn’t keep growing even when the output is saturated.
  1. Holding the Integral Term:
  • FB41 provides an input signal called INT_HOLD. When activated, it essentially freezes the integrator’s output at its current value.
  • This can be useful in specific situations, like:
    • During process startup, when the error is large, and you don’t want the integrator to accumulate a large offset.
    • When the controlled variable (e.g., room temperature) is outside the controllable range. In this case, integrating the error wouldn’t be helpful.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Tuning the PID: A well-tuned PID controller with a proper Integral Time (TI) constant can significantly reduce the risk of windup.
  • FB41 Limitations: It’s important to note that FB41 doesn’t offer features like feeding back the actual output value to the integrator for more advanced anti-windup strategies. Consider the Modular PID library from Siemens for such functionalities.

For detailed information and configuration steps, refer to the Siemens FB41 manual or consult the Siemens Industry Online Support for the latest documentation.

Allen Bradley’s PID Controller (PIDE) and Anti-Integral Windup Function:

Allen Bradley’s PIDE instruction (RSLogix 5000) doesn’t have a dedicated anti-windup function like Siemens’ FB41. However, there are a few techniques you can employ to prevent integral windup in your PIDE loop:

  1. Windup Flags and Output Limits:
  • The PIDE instruction provides two boolean inputs: “WindupHIn” and “WindupLIn”.
    • Setting “WindupHIn” to TRUE prevents the integrator from accumulating further when the output reaches its high limit.
    • Similarly, setting “WindupLIn” to TRUE stops integration when the output hits the low limit.
  • Utilize these flags along with proper output limits (high and low) to restrict the integrator’s influence when the process is saturated.
  1. Conditional Integrator Reset:
  • You can implement logic to reset the integrator term under specific conditions. This can be done by:
    • Disabling and then re-enabling the PIDE instruction momentarily when the process variable (PV) nears the setpoint.
    • Creating a separate logic block that monitors the output and PV values. When the output is saturated and the error has the same sign for a certain time, reset the integrator by disabling and re-enabling the PIDE.
  1. Careful PID Tuning:
  • A well-tuned PID loop with a balanced Integral Time (TI) constant can significantly reduce the likelihood of windup.
    • A high TI can cause excessive windup, while a very low TI might render the integral term ineffective.
  1. Process Startup Strategy:
  • During process startup, large errors are common. Consider:
    • Starting with the PIDE disabled and enabling it only when the PV approaches the setpoint.
    • Implementing a temporary increase in the output limits during startup to provide more leeway for the integrator.

Important Considerations:

  • While the WindupHIn and WindupLIn flags offer basic protection, they might cause a delay in reaching the setpoint after a saturation event.
  • Continuously resetting the integrator can lead to instability in the control loop. Use this technique judiciously.

Remember, the best approach depends on your specific application and process dynamics. It’s recommended to consult the Allen Bradley PIDE instruction manual for detailed information and programming examples.



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