PID Controllers

In today’s competitive landscape, efficiency is king. Whether you’re managing a manufacturing plant, a water treatment facility, or even a greenhouse, maintaining precise control over your processes is paramount. This is where PID controllers come in. PID, standing for Proportional-Integral-Derivative, is a powerful feedback control loop mechanism that can revolutionize how you achieve optimal results.

What is a PID Controller and how does it work?

Imagine a thermostat. You set a desired temperature, and the thermostat constantly monitors the room’s temperature, making adjustments to the heating or cooling system to maintain that comfort level. A PID controller operates on a similar principle, but with far greater sophistication.

  • Sensors: Continuously feed real-time data on a specific process variable, like temperature, pressure, or flow rate.
  • Setpoint: The desired value you want the process variable to maintain.
  • PID Algorithm: Analyzes the difference (error) between the sensor reading and the setpoint. It then calculates a control output based on three key factors:
    • Proportional (P) Term: Responds immediately to the current error, making adjustments based on its magnitude.
    • Integral (I) Term: Addresses long-term errors by accumulating the total error over time, ensuring the system reaches the setpoint exactly.
    • Derivative (D) Term: Predicts future errors based on the rate of change in the error signal, allowing for proactive adjustments and minimizing overshoot.

By combining these proportional, integral, and derivative actions, the PID controller calculates the most effective output to bring the process variable in line with the setpoint. This can translate to significant benefits for your business:

  • Enhanced Efficiency: PID controllers ensure processes consistently operate at optimal levels, reducing waste and saving on energy consumption.
  • Improved Product Quality: Precise control over process variables minimizes inconsistencies and leads to a more uniform, high-quality product.
  • Reduced Downtime: By proactively addressing potential issues, PID controllers help prevent equipment failures and unplanned downtime.
  • Simplified Operations: Automation through PID control frees up your workforce to focus on higher-level tasks, streamlining operations.

Basic Industrial Applications of PID Controllers:

Here are some common applications:

Temperature Control:

  • This is perhaps the most widespread use of PID controllers. They are found in everything from industrial ovens and furnaces to heating and cooling systems in buildings.
  • The PID controller monitors temperature readings from sensors and adjusts heating or cooling elements (e.g., valves, heaters) to maintain the desired temperature precisely.

Pressure Control:

  • In applications like chemical reactors, hydraulic systems, or compressed air lines, PID controllers ensure precise pressure maintenance.
  • They monitor pressure sensors and adjust valves or pumps to regulate pressure within setpoints, optimizing processes and preventing equipment damage.

Flow Control:

  • Maintaining consistent flow rates is crucial in various processes, from pumping liquids in pipelines to controlling airflow in ventilation systems.
  • PID controllers monitor flow sensors and adjust valves or pumps to achieve the desired flow rate, ensuring efficient operation and optimal product quality.

Level Control:

  • In tanks, reservoirs, or boilers, PID controllers maintain precise liquid levels.
  • They use level sensors (e.g., ultrasonic, pressure) and adjust pumps or valves to fill or drain the tank as needed, preventing overflows or underfills.

Motion Control:

  • PID controllers play a role in precise positioning systems like robotic arms or automated machinery.
  • They receive feedback from encoders or other position sensors and adjust motor speeds or actuator positions to achieve the desired movement with minimal error.

Chemical Dosing:

  • In chemical processing or water treatment, accurate dosing of chemicals is critical.
  • PID controllers monitor flow sensors or weight scales used for chemical addition and adjust control valves to ensure precise and consistent dosing amounts.
  1. pH Control: In industries like water treatment, chemical processing, and pharmaceuticals, PID controllers are utilized to maintain optimal pH levels in solutions and processes. They adjust chemical dosing rates or control valve positions to stabilize pH fluctuations and ensure product quality and process efficiency.
  2. Power Control: PID controllers are used in power generation and distribution systems to regulate voltage and frequency levels. They adjust generator output and grid connections to maintain stable electrical supply, optimize energy efficiency, and prevent voltage sags or surges.
  3. Environmental Control: In facilities such as greenhouses, cleanrooms, and climate-controlled warehouses, PID controllers regulate environmental conditions such as humidity, CO2 levels, and airflow. They adjust HVAC systems and environmental controls to create ideal conditions for plant growth, product storage, and manufacturing processes.
  4. Speed Control: PID controllers are employed in motor control applications across industries such as automotive manufacturing, robotics, and conveyor systems. They regulate motor speeds to achieve precise positioning, velocity, and torque control, enhancing productivity and accuracy in various automated processes.
  5. pH Control: In industries like water treatment, chemical processing, and pharmaceuticals, PID controllers are utilized to maintain optimal pH levels in solutions and processes. They adjust chemical dosing rates or control valve positions to stabilize pH fluctuations and ensure product quality and process efficiency.
  6. Power Control: PID controllers are used in power generation and distribution systems to regulate voltage and frequency levels. They adjust generator output and grid connections to maintain stable electrical supply, optimize energy efficiency, and prevent voltage sags or surges.
  7. Environmental Control: In facilities such as greenhouses, cleanrooms, and climate-controlled warehouses, PID controllers regulate environmental conditions such as humidity, CO2 levels, and airflow. They adjust HVAC systems and environmental controls to create ideal conditions for plant growth, product storage, and manufacturing processes.

Beyond these basic applications, PID controllers can be implemented in more complex scenarios:

  • Cascade Control: A primary PID loop controls a critical variable (e.g., temperature), while a secondary PID loop adjusts a manipulated variable (e.g., fuel flow) to indirectly influence the primary loop.
  • Feedforward Control: Predictive adjustments are made based on anticipated changes in the process. This can improve response time and minimize overshoot.
  • Multi-loop Control: Several PID loops interact and influence each other within a larger system, requiring coordinated control strategies.

The specific arrangement of a PID controller depends on the application and desired level of control. Factors like sensor type, final control element, and process dynamics all influence the implementation strategy.

Advanced PID Control Strategies:

  1. Cascaded PID Control:
    • Temperature Control in Heat Exchangers: In heat exchanger systems, cascaded PID control is utilized to regulate both the temperature of the process fluid and the temperature of the heat transfer medium (such as steam or cooling water). The outer loop controls the heat transfer medium temperature to achieve the desired setpoint, while the inner loop adjusts the process fluid temperature based on the heat exchange requirements.
    • Flow Control in Multi-Stage Processes: In multi-stage processes such as distillation columns or chemical reactors, cascaded PID control is used to maintain optimal flow rates at different stages. The outer loop regulates the flow rate of the main feed or product stream, while the inner loops control the flow rates of auxiliary streams or reagents to maintain desired ratios or compositions.
  2. Split Range PID Control:
    • Pressure Control in Redundant Systems: In systems with redundant actuators or control valves, split range PID control is employed to distribute control effort between multiple actuators. By splitting the control signal between primary and backup actuators based on predefined conditions or thresholds, split range control ensures seamless transition and redundancy in case of actuator failure or maintenance.
    • Level Control in Tanks with Multiple Outlets: In tanks or vessels with multiple outlets or discharge points, split range PID control is used to regulate liquid level while simultaneously controlling flow rates to different process streams. By adjusting valve positions or pump speeds in response to level variations, split range control optimizes the distribution of liquid flow and prevents overfilling or underfilling of the tank.
  3. Ratio Control with PID Controllers:
    • Feed Ratio Control in Blending Processes: In blending or mixing processes where multiple ingredients are combined to produce a final product, ratio control with PID controllers is employed to maintain consistent blend ratios. By adjusting the flow rates of individual ingredients based on predefined setpoints or ratios, ratio control ensures uniform product quality and composition.
  4. Override Control with PID Controllers:
    • Temperature Override Control in HVAC Systems: In HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems, override control with PID controllers is used to prioritize heating or cooling based on occupancy or comfort requirements. By adjusting setpoints or control parameters dynamically, override control optimizes energy usage and maintains desired comfort levels in occupied spaces.

1. Cascade Control:

Imagine controlling the temperature of a chemical reaction. While temperature is critical, it’s often indirectly influenced by another variable, like the flow rate of a heating element.

  • Primary Loop: A primary PID loop directly controls the critical variable (e.g., temperature) in the system.
  • Secondary Loop: A secondary PID loop controls a manipulated variable (e.g., fuel flow) that indirectly affects the primary variable.

The secondary loop receives its setpoint from the primary loop’s output. This creates a nested control structure:

  • The primary loop focuses on maintaining the desired temperature.
  • The secondary loop adjusts the fuel flow to meet the temperature demands set by the primary loop.

Benefits of Cascade Control:

  • Improved Disturbance Rejection: External factors can disrupt the primary variable. Cascade control allows the secondary loop to react faster and compensate for these disturbances before they significantly impact the critical variable.
  • Enhanced Stability: By separating control of two interacting variables, cascade control can improve overall system stability and prevent oscillations.


  • Chemical Reactors: Maintaining precise reaction temperature by controlling heating element flow rate.
  • HVAC Systems: Cascading temperature control loops with humidity control loops for optimal comfort and energy efficiency.
  • Distillation Columns: Controlling product purity by manipulating reflux flow rate based on temperature readings.

2. Split-Range Control:

This strategy is used when a single control element (e.g., a valve) needs to handle two different operating ranges. Imagine a tank filling application:

  • Low-Level Control: A PID loop focuses on maintaining a minimum liquid level in the tank. It operates the valve to open and fill the tank when the level falls below the setpoint.
  • High-Level Control: Another PID loop takes over when the level approaches the maximum. It operates the valve to close and prevent overflow.


  • The valve’s signal range is split into two sub-ranges.
  • One PID loop controls the valve in the lower sub-range for filling.
  • The other PID loop controls the valve in the upper sub-range for preventing overflow.

Benefits of Split-Range Control:

  • Efficient Control Across Ranges: Allows for dedicated control strategies for different operating conditions using a single control element.
  • Simplified System Design: Reduces the need for additional valves or actuators, streamlining the control system.


  • Tank Filling/Emptying: Maintaining liquid levels within a specific range using a single valve.
  • Pressure Relief Systems: Controlling pressure by switching between a pressure relief valve and a pressure regulation valve depending on the pressure level.
  • Temperature Control with Heaters and Coolers: Using a single valve to switch between heating and cooling elements based on temperature.

3. Ratio Control:

This approach maintains a consistent ratio between two mixed flows. For example, mixing fuel and air in a combustion process:

  • Two separate PID loops control the flow rates of the two components.
  • The setpoint for one loop is calculated based on a fixed ratio relative to the other loop’s setpoint.

Benefits of Ratio Control:

  • Precise Mixing Ratios: Ensures accurate and consistent proportions of mixed components, crucial for processes like combustion or blending.
  • Simplified Control: Reduces complexity by automatically calculating the setpoint for one flow based on the other.


  • Fuel-Air Mixing in Combustion Systems: Maintaining the optimal ratio of fuel to air for efficient combustion.
  • Blending Systems: Mixing ingredients in precise proportions for product consistency.
  • Chemical Dosing Systems: Controlling the ratio of different chemicals added to a process.

These are just a few examples. Remember, the choice of control strategy (cascade, split-range, ratio, etc.) depends on the specific needs of your industrial process. Consulting with a control system engineer can help you determine the most effective configuration for optimal performance.

PID Controllers offered by top Commercial Vendors:

Top commercial vendors like Allen-Bradley (Rockwell Automation), Siemens, Schneider Electric, and GE-Fanuc offer a variety of PID controllers integrated into their PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), PAC (Programmable Automation Controller), and DCS (Distributed Control System) platforms. Here are some common types of PID controllers offered by these vendors:

Allen-Bradley (Rockwell Automation):

  • Allen-Bradley offers PID control capabilities integrated into their ControlLogix PAC platform. They provide PID function blocks within their RSLogix programming software, allowing users to easily implement PID control logic in their applications. Additionally, Allen-Bradley offers dedicated PID modules such as the 1756-IT6I2 Thermocouple/mV Input Module, which supports PID control functionality for temperature regulation.


  • Siemens offers PID control solutions across their PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and DCS (Distributed Control System) product lines. In Siemens PLCs, PID control is typically implemented using standard function blocks available in their TIA Portal programming software. Siemens also provides specialized PID control modules and libraries for their SIMATIC S7 PLC series. Additionally, in Siemens DCS solutions such as SIMATIC PCS 7, PID control functionality is integrated into the system for advanced process control applications.

Schneider Electric:

  • Schneider Electric offers PID control capabilities as part of their Modicon PLC platform. Users can implement PID control logic using function blocks available in Schneider Electric’s Unity Pro programming software. Schneider Electric also provides dedicated PID control modules such as the BMXP3420002 PID Controller Module for the Modicon M340 PLC series, offering advanced control features and high-performance regulation.

GE-Fanuc (now part of Emerson):

  • GE-Fanuc, now part of Emerson Automation Solutions, provides PID control solutions through their PACSystems platform. PID control functionality is typically integrated into GE-Fanuc’s Proficy Machine Edition programming software, allowing users to configure and tune PID control loops for precise regulation of process variables. Additionally, GE-Fanuc offers dedicated PID modules and advanced control algorithms for their PACSystems controllers to address a wide range of industrial applications.

These are just a few examples of the types of PID controllers offered by top commercial vendors like Allen-Bradley (Rockwell Automation), Siemens, Schneider Electric, and GE-Fanuc (Emerson). Depending on the specific requirements of your application and the platform you choose, you may find additional specialized PID control options and features tailored to suit your needs.

Ready to take control of your Processes?

At IACS Engineering, we understand the importance of precision and efficiency in today’s industrial landscape. We offer a wide range of PID controllers designed to meet the specific needs of your application. Our team of experts can help you select the right controller, fine-tune its settings, and ensure seamless integration into your existing systems.

Contact us today to learn more about how PID controllers can take your processes to the next level and freely asses our expertise with PID Controllers!



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